Secular Islam

This is just my opinion and I usually have this debate with friends. It's not usually worded the way OP worded it. More like "What does Islam need RIGHT NOW? Do we need to hold Sharia or should we be a more liberal (just for lack of a better word) Islam?

It's tough. I think right now, every Muslim should live his life according to Islam. Those who don't pray should pray. Those who don't fast should fast but we have to be understanding and patient with those who are not practicing. It's all about us in the end. We want raise our level of Iman. That's the most important thing. We have a duty to Allah to be as best of Muslims as possible but we need to also understand that in this day and age, people (other Muslims or non-Muslims) may not see things the same way. Maybe a Muslim doesn't want to pray, he doesn't want to fast, etc.. We can't be too strict otherwise we lose them. We want what is best for our Ummah and I believe that this is not achieved by enforcing Islam.

The people of Quraish, they had the Prophet, they had the signs. Being a believer was not as hard as it is now. Today fitnah is everywhere. Sinning is easy. Going astray is easy. Disobeying our lord is easy. Not to say that us Muslims don't care about Islam but maybe it's not our prime concern. We have all been there (most of us at least). We're not perfect but we need to change. For ourselves. For our own sake.

Always remember my fellow Muslims, when the Prophet told his companions he misses his احبالب (loved ones) they said "aren't we your loved ones?". He said no, my loved ones are those who believe in me and have not seen me. Yes, we sin, but we are Muslim. We have the Prophet's loved ones. We need to hold on. And when problems happen in the family or with friends. Someone is smoking weed for example or a brother is hanging out with the wrong crowd or a sister is leaving her hijab, we need to be patient, not stern. We need to help ourselves return to Allah. It doesn't need to be now, but it must happen. For our own sake.

My answer is: We need to be patient. We need to encourage ourselves to do good. We need to help our families return to Allah in the nicest way possible. Once we do that, once we get back to where we are supposed to be, Allah with open doors for us inshallah. We are the Prophet's loved ones after all. Good things are in store and stoning for adultery is not the answer. Especially not in the West, not in this day and age. Brothers and sisters, be patient with your families and be there for them. They will come around inshallah.

I ask Allah to guide us all to the straight path. I ask Allah to make us among the Prophet's loved ones. I ask Allah to help us hold on the rope of Islam especially in these turbulent times. We need each other more than ever.

/r/islam Thread