Sydney Daily Random Discussion (now with bonus info/links) - April 29, 2015

Hi everyone, hope you have all been well.

I need to rant a bit man, this past few weeks has sent me off the edge. It feels like everything in this world is going against me and smacking me across the face at every given opportunity. I honestly don't even feel like getting out of bed to do anything.

Where do I start? My laptop died that I had only had for less than a year (on top of my many other broken laptops from past year(s)). My phone died that I've only had for less than 6 months. Phone is off for repairs and all laptops are in the bottom of the bin.

Bought a new desktop workstation/gaming computer after numerous laptops failing time and time again for the past 5 years and was excited as hell and within the first 3 days there's already problems with it. Idiots completely messed it up and now I'll most likely have to send the thing back for repairs.

We finally upgraded our TV as well after a long time and went all the way to the distributor's factory and struggled to bring it back ourselves by barely fitting it in our car and plugged it in and there's many problems with it as well. Have to deal with that shit too. Can't wait to get tossed around from customer support to customer support for weeks.

That small plumbing job I did a while back screwed up again. Called plumber, $650 to fix. RIDICULOUS.

I caught scabies as well. In fact, my whole family did. How you ask? Because fucking housos think they're qualified general practitioners and can diagnose their children themselves.

My mum works in child care and some dirty fucker bought his daughter as normal but this time she had red rashes all over her body so naturally all the staff asked him what was wrong with her and the Einstein-incarnate replied 'oh yeah just a normal allergy, runs in the family'.

Can't take risks so when they tried to send her home due to precautions the houso apparently caused a commotion so they let her stay but separated her from the other kids. But of course all the staff had to be in contact with the kid and she spread the fucking scabies to them all and now my family has it too.

So here I am covered in these disgusting mites with red demon scars all over my face and body for the past 3 weeks. Every time I scratch my body it feels like I'm injecting a dose of heroin. It feels FANTASTIC. I haven't even looked at myself in the mirror in the past week. I am a mess.

Also damn it makes me not want to see recently graduated/qualified GP that much any more . They kept giving us some bullshit insect creams and insisted it was just insect bites and not anything big for the past 3 weeks. Finally found some senior GP yesterday who identified it as scabies and now on proper medication.

It just gets better from here. Earthquake in Nepal has fucked a lot of our family and friends over. Don't even know if some of them are alive as it's so hard to contact everyone. It fucking sucks that they're all suffering so much there while I'm sitting here in comfort with access to warm clothes, shelter and food. Feel so guilty. We donated money and sent over all spare clothes and whatnot. If you're in any position to donate anything, please give anything you can. Even a $1 donation would mean the world of difference.

So much stress and worry going towards everyone back home on top of dealing with all our shit here.

Also haven't been called back to work since last year. Right when I need some cash coming in. They didn't even have the dignity to let me know whether I'm still working or not. Last message I received was 'will contact you soon!'. 7 months later, nothing. Called a few times, no one contacts me back.

On a smaller scale, I got shadowbanned from Reddit as well for a while cause some dickhead from USA tried to hack my account so they shadowbanned me cause my account got compromised. Finally got it back.

I am really starting to believe in karma. I'm starting to accept the bad karma for all the negative things I've said or done over my life and I'm slowly starting to suffer the consequences.

May seem as if I'm overreacting but there's far more bad/negative stuff that's been happening to us over the past few months that I'd rather not reveal on a public forum. And before anyone says most of my issues are first world problems due to money related stuff, we are by no means rich. All of this has been from working our butts off to save up. Now when we finally get to treat ourselves, everything goes bad.

Kind of sucks. I don't have anyone else to talk to about this as I don't feel comfortable sharing with anyone else so I hope I can just type it all out here in anonymity (or partial anonymity I guess on reddit).

Would be nice to win the $21 million lotto :(

Hope you all have a good week.

/r/sydney Thread