Secure service for syncing contact/calendar entries on Android?

Isn't tresorit like 10 bucks per month? Double the price of pcloud but still cheaper than nextcloud.

I'm waiting for lima.

About protonmail. They have been working on it for more than a year now. I gave up all hope. I also don't like their recent change in direction.

ProtonVPN is a shithole.

As for mails, they get flagged. My company flags their domain. I'm not sure I wanna give them any of my money. They better add custom domains. Also, their domain is so overused (culturally/socially), it makes a lot of people flag you a social escapist/rebel. Not sure if that's good or bad. Their lack of imap/pop3 (although, i heard they released a bridge) doesn't make it any easier - not a viable gmail replacement for the average Joe. Tried introducing it to a few of my pps... nope. I'm still a fan. I know I am sounding negative here, but I like them. Just not in the real world.

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