Seeking Gameplay Critique/Analysis - Rogue Draft & Gameplay

Rogue is my best class and I can pretty consistently get 7+ wins with it.

I didn't see anything wrong in the draft but I would have picked a few things differently:

Emperor cobra vs Kezan. Emperor cobra is one of the best 3 drops. Apart from silence and kodo, which you probably have other targets for, it's a 999/3 for 3. You can get a little behind if it's frostbolted or a 3-2 hits it (like all 3hp 3 drops), but you can also get a little ahead if you kill a 4 drop or a 2-3 with it.

Defias vs dark iron vs stormwind.

For early minions you have a loot hoarder so far and an emperor cobra. Both are bad with dark iron dwarf: loot hoarder will die and if it doesn't it has 2 attack so can't kill the main dangerous 4 drops. Emperor cobra has no benefit from dark iron dwarf. Deadly poison alone gives you a strong early game if you draw it, but it doesn't work well with dark iron dwarf either. Abubar ambusher also already kills the main 4 drops and makes a really strong start less useful.

Defias is good with deadly poison: dagger turn 2, turn 3 deadly defias. However your ambusher makes it less likely for you to win right off a strong start so I would be more concerned about the chance of it just being a 2-2. You also already have an another combo card in eviscerate which is slightly bad. e.g. come turn 4 if you want to play both, one of them is going to lose the combo ability.

Stormwind champion is a really strong card. Getting the buff on one minion is about as good as dark iron dwarf's battlecry, and if you can get it on a few, or over a few turns, it can just win the game. I would pick stormwind over dark iron in a vacuum (in rogue) and definitely in this case.

Sensei vs arcane golem. I would probably take sensei instead of arcane golem for the chance of drafting mechs later. They're fairly common.

bloodsail raider vs worgen infiltrator. bloodsail raider is really good as well. I probably would have taken it.

Hobgoblin vs kidnapper: I would probably take hobgoblin instead of kidnapper, even without any synergy. A 2-3 for 3 is bad but you might pick up a spectral spider or something later and kidnapper is so incredibly situational. If you're lucky, It'll be turn 7 or 8 before you can use the battlecry.

100% agree with faerie dragon instead of fan of knives. Deck has really low curve at this point and nothing in it to finish off fanned targets. Can't see when you would ever use fan.

Imo Silvermoon guardian is a pretty good 4 drop. The worst case is your opponent has a spare ping and spends 2 mana to turn it into a plain 3-3. Unless it's turn 10 vs a mage that's irrelevant.

chow vs anubar vs owl. Your chances of drawing chow in your opening hand are pretty low, and this deck looks pretty dependent on finishing the opponent, which 5hp heal works against. I would probably take anubar here.

questing vs sunfury vs egg. Definitely questing.

tidehunter vs betrayal vs gurubashi. The deck is really fast for betrayal. Another 2 drop wouldn't be bad.

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