Select a date for report option

You'll need a parameter to do this.

  • [Month selector] : String parameter type. Create the values as 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 12 and change the display text to January, February, etc.

  • [YTD up to that month] :

    DATEADD('month',1,DATEPARSE('yyyy-M',DATENAME('year',TODAY()) + "-" + [Month Selector]))

DATEPARSE: The parameter value is used to generate a date representing the first of that month. For example, January would be January 1, 2016. DATEADD: This offsets it by a month, allowing you to compare against the end of the month, not the beginning.

  • [PYTD up to that month]

Same as previous calculation, but replace




Offsets the year by one.

  • [YTD Sales] - Calculate year to date.

    IF [Date] < [YTD up to that month] AND DATEDIFF('year',[Date],[YTD up to that month])= 0 THEN [Measure1] END

  • [PYTD Sales] - Duplicate the previous calculation and change references of YTD to PYTD.

    IF [Date] < [PYTD up to that month] AND DATEDIFF('year',[Date],[PYTD up to that month])= 0 THEN [Measure1] END

  • [YTD/PYTD filter]

    MONTH([Date]) <= INT([Month Selector])

  • Make your visualization!

/r/tableau Thread