[self] Vegas Harley Cosplay!!

I was eating some food at Big Kahuna

when in came a purple skinned cosplayer

I asked who? She said her name’s Luna

I picked up a knife and claimed I was a dragon slayer.

She asked me about my hobbies and endeavors

I was bashful, befuddled, and, like Donny, out of my element

But she was aesthetically perfect & my brain pulled levers

and I pointed to the stars and said I guarded the filaments

That made the Earth safe, that I slay monsters,

Orc, Dragon, demon, gnomes, midgets and wraith

She asked about what I had on my wall for posters?

It’s funny how in those moments often one gaffes

I stopped and came clean. She looked bemused.

“Luna, I am the Sun, the day guardian of the Earth

and you’re the protector of night, so don’t be confused

But together, my Sun and your Moon, we gave birth

in time immemorial, to this life on that third rock

and while it’s a bit fuzzy in your mind, our love, my beauty

gave birth to this human flock—listen to me talk,

because, Luna, you are a purple, divine cutie.”

We walked hand in hand as I told my tale,

we went downtown and ate tacos and visited strip clubs

and all was going so well, so well… so well…

but she wanted to get, from the strippers, back rubs.

I was short on cash, but I loved her fucking cosplay--I'm rash

So I grabbed a gun, I robbed a homeless man for his weed

Bammer shit, sure, but I couldn’t compete with stripper cash

So, by my hand, with moving feet, I pulled her out, me in lead.

We went into the back of my shitty, dying car

I looked her in the eye after we took our first toke

and I admired that my story wasn’t on par

and I was just an average, lonely, infatuated bloke.

She smiled and stared into my blue eyes, and said,

Hey, dude, I’m not purple, watch what I’m going to do:

She took my shirt and wiped away the purple from her hair

And said, “Dude, we’re stoned, we saw strippers, wanna just screw?”

I said, baby, maybe later, you are so damn hot,

but I want to know you first, eat some tacos and drink a brew

It’s definitely never the case that I want naught

because you’re perfect, but let’s make sure our love is true.

She took my hand, and leaned in close,

She said, wanna hear a secret? I said sure…

she moved in her hand, and said, “Got your nose!”

I knew I was definitely in love forever with her.

/r/cosplay Thread Link - i.redd.it