Sex work is cool g-g-guys. I d-d-do-don't care if dudes jack off to my girlfriend. N-none of this affects me.

That's the problem. None of us wanted to see this beta male, push over that Idubbbz really is. With his video he just proved how much of a sore loser and a hypocrite he is and how much Anisa truly owns him.

Anisa claims to be body positive yet has made fun of fat people. She has claimed to have suffered with eating disorders yet she makes fun of people who have gone through the same shit. She has slut shamed and body shamed other people on numerous occasions. Not to mention the art she's stolen from other content creators. The onlyfans part is just the cherry on top.

Idubbbz's video was just "lmao I'm fine with you jacking off to my gf, lmao incel." No mention of her rotten and hypocritical personality. If the edgy idubbbz was the real one and not a persona, Anisa would've gotten dumped and shit on a long time ago. After all, content cop we as just a platform, a way for idubbbz to showcase the hypocrisy of other content creators.

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