Sherlock Coming in 2017 Talk on what's going to happen!

  • Drugs
  • Sherlock (and John?)'s past
  • Sherlock used to deal drugs
  • Redbeard gets resolved. Redbeard might have been an actual dog, which Sherlock accidentally killed. Mycroft (incorrectly?) takes this as a sign of serious mental illness. Baby Sherlock is taken to a school for troubled youth, which he escapes. Then he's homeless / selling coke
  • Irene gets at least a cameo
  • Maybe ditto Harry
  • Moriarty is alive (obvs)
  • But the Moriarty we knew was a Richard Brook. The real Moriarty is Sherlock's coke-dealing-past ex, Victor Trevor!!
  • Mary is Moriarty's henchman
  • Mycroft has been supporting Moriarty against his will
  • Hudders dies
  • The baby isn't John or Mary's. She miscarried the real baby because of stress, so she snatched another one to keep John.
  • John, Sherlock, and Mycroft are independently (?) plotting against Mary
  • John basically openly flirts with Sherlock
  • Moriarty makes John think Sherlock and Mary are cheating on him together
  • Ideally, Moriarty tries to crash a satellite on London, which Sherlock and John stop
  • Good guys win, bad guys lose
  • Sherlock and John kiss and live happily ever after
/r/Sherlock Thread