Should husbands help with the weekend housework? (1961) | RetroFocus

Worth mentioning that back then women almost never worked, so they were home 24x7 while men were working often blue-collar jobs with far fewer worker protections. It wasn't necessarily sexist or unfair to ask that a wife tend the home (homemakers) and the husband get to relax on weekends. On the other hand, it's not necessarily unreasonable for them both to share in the responsibilities as well. But being a housewife wasn't as much of a... Stigma? I guess? That it is today.

Another thing to keep in mind was that being a homemaker was likely harder in a lot of ways back then too. No dishwashers, rare for in-home washing machine and even rarer for a dryer, clothes typically needed pressing, food went bad a lot faster so had to be bought and cooked closer together, and were in much scarcer supply so planning for meals and such was more important than it is today. No convenient appliances like a rice maker, instant pot/electric pressure cooker, blender or microwave.

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