Should we just give up?

This is starting to get annoying. Not just this type of post, but the general cynicism from the media and from on lookers that probably didn't participate in the first spontaneous revolt and their only contribution had been to "head down la nitdaman" and then called it a day.

Non-violent protests are obviously not working

Tol3it ree7etkon cutting off the roads is a form of protest? Allow me to translate what tol3et ree7etkon accomplished by doing that and why it actually failed: They declared عصيان مدني and then took to enforcing their declaration on everyone who hasn't been convinced yet that they should oppose their traditional political party. They assumed that because if they just scream "!!!نحن ما مع حدان" then the whole country was going to just vote them into power then and there. (As if that's not what every other political entity is trying to do, to get more power for themselves...) And so now you are throwing around the notion that we should just give up. That is what the government wants to happen. As a matter of fact. So yeah. Give up.

violence would not work either.

Yes. It wouldn't. So...

Should we just give up and accept our fate?

Look. People who are not all that into religion, will more than likely want to preserve their life above anything else. Whether Christian or Muslim, both religions have a defined role and status for martyrs. When Ghandi protested, he used religious metaphors to redefine the struggle into what it really was about. He painted a picture of what he wanted to achieve through religion to the general public because religion is easy to understand. The resistance in the south did the same. The freaking wahabbis too. Do not underestimate religion as a means of communication. Notice how I did not describe using it as if it was a tool to control people. Because no one will follow you if they see you using it as a tool. It is a form of communication, to express truth in the simplest way possible.

If you are Christian, you can immediately draw parallels between the people Christ was fighting against for what kind of people he was trying to defend (and look what happened to him in the end). Same deal with prophet Mohammad (the persecution his followers had to deal with for years was far worse than what any of us has dealt with). Same thing with Imam Hussain (I don't need to bring up the ending to his story either).

So what does this all mean? Well... If you do not wish to die, then you are honestly not that interested in the cause. If you are not willing to prove to everyone that the way to honor, truth and dignity is a way of no return.That it is a way that will demand personal sacrifice (that goes beyond burning a couple of fucking tires) and to even be willing to go all the way to prove how much it means to you that Lebanon needs to change. Then yes, stop protesting.

/r/lebanon Thread