A side by side comparison of a repro Conkers Bad Fur Day and an authentic copy.

Even the most well made repro is easily identifiable if you know what to look for. It’s important to know what to look for, but it’s just simply not as big of as issue as most seem to think. They aren’t being sold as authentic most of the time. People just getting into the hobby who don’t know better will see a game they want for cheap on eBay and buy it without checking because they don’t realize fake games are a thing. That’s the bulk of their sales. Well that and people who don’t care and just want a cheap copy.

I have over 1,000 cartridge based games and not once has somebody tried to pass off a repro as an authentic cart. I’ve bought across several different websites, stores and conventions/meets. I open every game for a cleaning and inspection no matter the rarity before it gets my shelves. All legitimate products.

Know what to look for, don’t risk it on shady listings and you’re golden. You’ll likely never see one unless you are seeking it out.

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