Who TF is Joe Rogan?

it’s not spreading misinformation if you have a differing opinion.

I addressed this.

not a fan of his,

Yet you feel the need to defend him…

but he’s not advocating people follow his advice.

Except he is, by interviewing „experts“ who advocate following his advice, while ignoring the fact that every reputable health care professional recommends being fully vaccinated, and not trying to treat COVID by ingesting horse dewormer. Side note, how does one give advice without inherently advocating that it be followed? Seems kinda baked in to the definition.

why can’t there be healthy debate anymore?

There can be, and is, extremely often. It’s just that people with unhealthy beliefs exclude themselves and cry about being excluded.

there’s no concrete proof for either side, why not speculate and have a discussion.

Misinformation: as I said, it‘s not entirely your fault, but you can get past it by applying some critical thinking, and expanding your supply of information.

What don‘t you think I read?

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