Small towns, rural settings are not ideallyc

I'm coming in here late, but I feel like I have concrete experience and am currently in the middle of what you are talking about. My wife and I lived in a rural area for 10 years and had contacts and some friends (mostly other outsiders). We then moved overseas for ten years. In the meantime we purchased a house in a neighboring county (two hours drive) but only visited it for a few weeks in the summers. Two weeks ago we were evacuated from the country we've lived and worked in and now we are in a mostly unfamiliar small rural community, self-isolating. We are more or less bugged out. All of the things you are saying are true. I have spoken with a few "neighbors" and they have noted that everyone knows we are here because they have seen our vehicle on the road and talked to each other. Luckily, the former owner of our home told everyone about us so the few people we have interacted with have been friendly. I feel watched, but not antagonized. I think our situation is slightly different because it is a very small and rural setting with fewer than 20 habited homesteads within a 10 mile area. About half of the people grew up here and the other half are transplants sometime in the last ten years. So I think everyone is a little more open to outsiders than your average rural area.

/r/preppers Thread