What is an item of clothing that for you is an instant turn off?

I would bet my job is extremely difficult for him. My background is software development, web development, database administrator and data analyst. I grew up on a farm. My granddad was a roofer. I assisted on several roofs growing up. I’ve stripped and put on three roofs in my adult life (three different houses). We built my parents’ house from scratch, including mixing the concrete to pour the foundation. I’ve raised livestock, including pigs, chickens and cows. I’ve operated a tractor and we grew corn and soybeans in large scale, and had a 5 acre vegetable garden (tended by hand) where selling the produce gave me my money growing up, not an allowance. My dad was an electronics technician and electrician. Helping him, I learned skills growing up that I use constantly.

I doubt he could do my job, but I’ve already done his.

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