Smelling Salts

A panic attack is a horrible and an absolutely terrifying experience. Feeling like you’re going to faint is the worst... every time it happened I thought I was going insane and about to die. It took years until I found that the most effective way for me to deal with that very feeling was through the combination of anti depressants and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

What I learned during therapy:

Panic is a natural reaction...however, when you have anxiety/panic disorder, it is occurring out of context. During a panic attack, your body goes through the same physical processes as it would if you were in real danger. The difference is that although the thoughts and feelings of panic are all too real, the brain is being tricked into thinking that you are somehow in danger. Part of CBT includes realizing this and slowly changing thought patterns.

You are stronger than you think. Despite undergoing debilitating anxiety, you have survived each and every day. You have not given up this battle and continue to fight. This takes incredibly bravery and strength. Stay strong.

/r/PanicAttack Thread