Snus leaking/dripping

Dripping isn't entirely avoidable, but there's measures you can take:

  1. Get white dry portions, since those are designed to drip less. However, your GRs are already white dry, as the name says.
  2. Dry your upper lip before inserting the snus. How I like to do it is hold that lip up, and suck air in so that it drys the gums. Afterwards, I wipe it dry with a cloth or the sleeve of my shirt.
  3. Swallow all saliva in your mouth before inserting.
  4. Do not keep your mouth and jaw tense when you have it in. I noticed that it's a lot better when I relax them.

Furthermore, you can choose if you want to swallow the drip or spit it out. I prefer the latter personally if it gets too much, but to each their own.

/r/Snus Thread