Sobering Up Sunday!

So I had probably the best weekend of my life. Friday night I took an orange burger king with one of my friends at another friends house, we hugged for a good hour and he really opened up to me about stuff going on in his life. Side note: I also tried pizza for the first time ever because of the MDMA (it was not good).

We leave my friends house to go to a house party where we met up with a bunch of friends. We then all left to go to the local takeaway and I got a kebab. For the first time ever I had to force myself to eat a kebab, this has never happened before, I generally wolf down kebabs. Side note: the kebab cost £4.20 and I was given £1.80 in change paying with £5 so I was absolutely buzzing at this point.

We return to the house party and again leave for another takeaway, walking around my home town gurning my face off was incredibly fun. I'd somehow lost my £1.80 but a friend gave me £1 and I was ready to kiss this guy. Got into the takeaway and watched all of the Snapchat stories that were taken of us, laughed our tits off and then went to the only open shop at nearly 12:00 at night. Earlier in the day I had watched a sweet advert and had craved a packet. Somehow God answered my prayers because in this store was the exact sweets on offer, more than half off at £1, the exact amount of money I was just given. At this point I had never been happier so we went to the park and I then spent a good half an hour climbing the monkey bars and playing football. Really deep conversations were had and I felt closer to some of my less close friends as a result. Not much happened for the rest of the night but the next night the same friend is having a house party again.

Obviously I can't do MDMA again so I get absolutely mortal instead. Though I think MD has completely changed the way I get drunk. That night I had drank more than I ever had before (700ml of vodka and a couple cans of cider) and not once did I throw up nor did I roll across the floor like a child (something which is a supposedly common occurrence for drunk me). Instead I spent the entire night talking to everyone and laughing about the tiniest of things. Such a good weekend.

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