Socialists Must Defend Trans Life: The Trump administration is attacking trans people's right to access society as a whole. In response, socialists must make trans emancipation a principle of our movement.

LGBTQ has a firm grasp on the DNC. DNC is a reliable and powerful ally for them. They are really the only people in the last 20 years that can say the democrats have delivered for.

I have nothing bad to say about trans. That being said, they only comprise a small portion of society. Society-socialism. I want socialism to be about everybody, not about subgroups. Subgroups won't be left out, they have the DNC.

I'm so sick of culture wars cloaking what is really going on in Washington. It's all about race, guns, LGBTQ, abortion and the overt and legalized corruption is all but ignored. The corporate takeover is almost total and the nation instead has intense dialogue about bathrooms and kneeling during the anthem.

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