Some people really do hate her for whatever reason

She’s a revived stillborn who mysteriously has an insane amount of irrational, selfish passion for going towards the center of the abyss (take Bondrewd for example, as crazy for the abyss as Riko but at least he is trying to create a sustainable way to decent beyond the point of no return. I mean he is as insane as one can get and still his skewed, preverted away of exploring the abyss is more rational than Riko’s - “i’m gonna descend towards the bottom and that’s it”). I mean i like her character for it but she is crazy-crazy, i think her wish to meet her mother is a front and total bs (just a way to justify this journey for herself), i think the argument - “she is just a kid” falls apart at points when she is facing end and still has the ability to think of how she can continue her journey (It’s beyond mental fortitude, it’s manic really). Child of the abyss all the way, that relic somehow contaminated her to the point of changing her being to something akin to the abyss itself

/r/MadeInAbyss Thread Link -