The number of Americans struggling to pay medical bills fell last year for the first time in nearly a decade -- the latest sign that Obamacare is making health care more affordable

I live in new zealand, im a construction worker(qualified carpenter)and about a year ago I was about to have a few drinks at a mates place, I was running up the external staircase up to his door and slipped. I stretched my hands out to break my fall and landed on my hands running up the staircase, my left hand came off a little worse than my right. Any way the next day I was in serious pain and went to the local hospital, I had an xray and a couple weeks off work without pay and got billed $45, couple weeks later I still can't work so I go to my local g.p and pay around $35 to file a report with a.c.c which is like public medical insurance In new zealand. After two weeks off work unpaid a.c.c start paying me 80% of my wage and book me in for an ultra sound. I started with an xray, then an ultra sound which was inconclusive. Then I had an m.r.I which also didn't yield any solid reason as to the pain levels I was experiencing. So then I got put in touch with a specialist who opted for keyhole surgery to take a look inside my wrist to see what was going on. During that surgery the surgeon removed some damaged tissue in hope that it would create room for the aggravated tissue to settle, didn't work so booked in for a second surgery where my ulmer bone in my forearm was shortned giving more room for my tendon in the wrist to function without being constantly pinched. That surgery has worked a treat and I had an xray a couple days ago to see how the forearm was healing. Ive been given another month off work still receiving 80% of my wage to make sure im 100 % when I get back. My employer has been amazing throughout the whole thing, the original accident was in october 2013 and I should be back at work full time in a month. I paid the initial $45 at the hospital for the xray, ive been to see my g.p around 4-5 times at $35 a pop to extend my medical certificates but aside from that I've had no medical bills. My government has paid for my surgeries,scans and the physio ive done over the passed year. Soon il be back at work and paying taxes until my mid 60's. Im 27 so im sure they will get it back. These stories I read make appreciate the system we have and vote for. Without it I would be on the streets.

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