Is it worth learning "proper" typing vs just typing?

You sure sound contrary. You are trying to sell us on an idea that has no merit. Come back to us when you can hunt and peck while also doing alpha numeric data entry at anything resembling an almost respectable speed.

As much as you throw-in all of the available layouts and languages, and the "flawed" design, and disabled people... none of that matters one bit. Either someone can type, or they can not. Someone who can type has little to no effort in expressing themselves through the keyboard. It doesn't matter the layout or keyboard. A person can either type in that layout and keyboard, or not. And there really aren't that many different options out there if you are being realistic about things and stick to using what almost everyone else is using. Flawed designs or not, we still type fast on them. And disabled people aren't relevant to the topic as they don't represent the norm.

People who do well in computing without being a typist aren't doing so because they aren't a typist. They are doing it IN SPITE of not being a typist.

For plenty of us typing is as natural as walking or talking and requires no effort whatsoever. There's no me -> keyboard -> screen. There's just me -> screen. The thought goes from the mind to the screen in an effortless manner, and you may not believe that but it's true. The muscle memory is there and it's all like breathing in and out. While lots of people are hunting and pecking and going their hardest, the rest of us are not expending any effort in this area at all.

In fact, I enjoy typing. I enjoy it because it's so effortless and it feels like meditation. If I'm doing data entry I am more or less half asleep as I'm very zoned-out. A lot like when reading a book for leisure zones a person out. A person who reads a book and has to stop and think about every word they are seeing and spending time and energy trying to work-out what that word is simply can't be compared to others who are able to effortless read and comprehend the same book.

You are trying to compare someone running with crutches in a race against people who are just out for an enjoyable job. Bad joggers might get overtaken by good crutch-runners, but on average... no.

Non-touch typists DO lack an essential skill. They go on in spite of this.

/r/learnprogramming Thread