Some thesis advice required..

[–]franklymydeer [+1] 3 points 35 minutes ago  There is no inherent advantage in using MEG, fMRI and EEG over using EEG alone. All are valuable techniques, and can be used to answer different questions. For example, EEG has far greater temporal resolution than fMRI. If you're interested in the precise timing of neural events, EEG is far superior to fMRI. So I wouldn't be too concerned about the particular technique you'll be using. One caveat is that if you desperately want fMRI or MEG experience - if you are interested in using these techniques in the future - then that should factor into your decision. The prestigiousness of an institution does count for a lot. But the quality of the research you produce is far more important. In PhD interviews (if this is the path you want to take), they will ask you about your research experience. They will care about where you conducted your research, but far more importantly, they will be checking that you can explain it concisely and eloquently, that you contributed significantly, that you understand the theoretical background, that you have good ideas for future research directions, etc. etc. So in summary, the prestige of the institution and the technique you use are both important. But far more important is that you enjoy the research, understand it, and contribute to it. I would focus on the research being conducted in the two labs. Go for the lab which is conducting research that most closely aligns with your current preferences and future aims. permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]victorvscn [+1] 2 points 8 minutes ago  This is it. MEG and fMRI might "look cooler" and no neuroscience popsci article ever gets published with an image of EEG data, but the technique used depends on the question your research/thesis is trying to answer, and there are definitely downsides to any one technique. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply 218/10000BoldItalicstrikesupLink>QuoteCode•Bullets1.NumbersTable Commenting as: printer305 macros

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Thanks a lot people, that helped so much. I'm really indebted to both of you. I'll take both of your advice and just follow whichever research topic sounds better to me. Seriously, this was a lot of help. Thanks again!

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