someone shot my car, the trunk/hatch was damaged in this spot (hole didn’t fully go through) how can this be fixed?

Also I need a new hatch (rear-ended by a Silverado, it's all smashed together where it latches) and don't recommend that suggestion personally. If it only needs the panel and you were gonna keep it it wouldn't make sense to pay for the whole hatch. My repair estimate came to $4500 without any frame work included, most of it is the stupid hatch. Also parts are all delayed, in some cases by months, so the other advice here is probably better considering you've got a limited amount of time.

Idk how many from this gen are actually dying in junkyards right now. I checked the one I used to live by and they don't even have anything newer than a 2007. I know I had a hell of a time sourcing parts for my 03. It was about 2013 so they were plenty old by then, but they run so good you can just about blow them up and still drive away so the actual junkyard ones I found were usually damaged too bad to get any body pieces. I don't think this gen is being junked at all yet, unless they're so destroyed they scrap em- in which case, still not finding it in a junkyard.

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