“What’s the book about?” (rant/advice)

… This is r/socialskills. You are picking up on my frustration in the question, but also misinterpreting it. I’m not frustrated with them, I’m frustrated that I’m clearly missing something. Social life is full of unwritten cues and rules some of us simply do not know, which is why this sub exists.

The reason I handed over the book was not out of annoyance, but purely for the reason I stated: I did not know how to succinctly explain what it was about. Lets say that either they are interested in the book or me. If the case is the latter, what should I have said?

I truly have answered the question more often than not when asked. People really do respond with either a glazed sort of look, or shock at a description of the actual book. I end up feeling like I did something wrong by answering their question earnestly. It is confusing.

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