Someone wanted me to post this and I think it fits here

Item #: SCP-928 "Schizophrenia-flavored Doritos"

Object Class: safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-928 is to be kept in a standard containment locker within Storage Wing-27 in Site-37.

Personnel members with level 3 security clearance or higher may perform tests on SCP-928 with written authorization from the site director.

Description: SCP-928 is a 9+1/2 oz bag of Nacho Cheese flavored Doritos (standard). As of present, SCP-928 has been opened and 16 chips (designated SCP-928-1) remain. The containing bag and SCP-928-1 instances held within contain no anomalous chemical ions, nor display any anomalous chemical properties. Upon human skin contact with the outer bag of SCP-928, the voice of the subject's consciousness is immediately altered to sound like the voice of SCP-928-2. Prolonged skin exposure to SCP-928's bag causes a subject's internal monologue to gradually alter its own train of thought, until the subject's internal monologue thinks and sounds exactly like SCP-928-2. Upon removal of skin contact with SCP-928, all effects on the subject's internal monologue are reversed.

Upon human consumption of a SCP-928-1 instance, subjects begin to see and hear SCP-928-2. Within 48 hours, subjects are able to smell SCP-928-2. Finally, within 36 hours, subjects are able to touch and taste SCP-928-2. Consumption of more than one SCP-928-1 instance expedites this anomalous process. Subjects who have not consumed SCP-928-1 instances are unable to experience the same sensations. Two subjects that have consumed SCP-928-1 instances are unable to sense the other subject’s respective SCP-928-2. According to all subjects who have consumed SCP-928-1 instances, SCP-928-2 is able to interact with physical objects, although have not been recorded doing so by any forms of observation.

One week after the subject has consumed an SCP-928-1 instance, the subject’s mental health begins to degrade. Excessive brain activity, anxiety, panic attacks, emotional outbursts, dissatisfaction, apathy, and depression have all been recorded. It is unknown if consumption of SCP-928-1 instances is inherently causing this degradation of a subject’s mental health, or if it is a coincidental natural event. In all cases, subjects will feel even greater attachment to SCP-928-2. Subjects report that SCP-928-2 consistently improves their mood with several methods including hugs, encouraging words, emotional validation, allowing the subject to “vent”, calming the subject, comforting the subject during times of distress, and, in one case, professional-grade cognitive behavioral therapy. During this process, all other known methods of improving the subject’s mental health are rendered less effective. In all cases, the subject makes a full or partial recovery, and does not experience any more adverse effects.

SCP-928-2 is a teenage, Japanese highschool girl. She refers to herself as “Nijika Ijichi,” and claims to be from the Shimokitazawa area of Tokyo. Notable physical traits include: blond hair, orange-red eyes, and a large, red ribbon usually worn as a necktie. Her hobbies include designing, spending time with her friends, and playing the drums. She claims to be part of a band named “Kessoku Band.” She has an outgoing, friendly personality, and according to all subjects, is very easy to make friends and get along with.

Addendum 928-1: Writings from D-4921, One month after consuming one SCP-928-1 instance.

“She’s not real. I know she’s not real. I can see her, I can feel her, but she’s not real. She doesn’t exist. But, she makes me feel so incredibly happy. I’ve never had an actual friend up until now, but she’s always nice to me and makes me feel comfortable. That happiness she gives me, that’s real. If I can sense somebody and they can make real changes to how I feel, does that make them real? She is real to me."

Addendum 928-2: Note from Site Director

No records of a “Nijika Ijichi” living in Shimokitazawa exist. No records of “Kessoku Band’s” existence, either.

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