Every dream I've had for the past few years is Post-Apocalyptic or Dystopic.

Please don’t listen to anyone saying these dreams are real or are a prophecy. These people are unstable.

What these dreams symbolise is one part of your psyche being cut off from another. The earth represents your conscious psyche and the forces of nature represent the unconscious instinctual psyche, the part of the psyche beyond our conscious control. When the conscious mind becomes too conscious, too stuck in thinking, too caught in fears and beliefs, there is a split from the deeper psyche usually called a neurosis. When the conscious psyche becomes too split off from the unconscious, unconscious contents in dreams are seen as threatening to consciousness, therefore seen as dangerous forces of nature. It’s like one part being at war with another – forces of nature (instincts) vs the earth (conscious, known territory). The less split off you become the more these forces become healing rather than threatening. Another way of saying it is – being disconnected from the deeper, authentic self.

/r/DreamInterpretation Thread