Sorry if u didn’t know ladies, but if u r not a 9/10 virgin whos extremely racist n down 2 be your BFs servant n pay for all his shit while he doesn’t work, u dont meet most mens standards. Also the PinkPill chicks that make these delusional memes make fun of Incels all day.... think about that.

Reading random ass “scientific” studies that go against everything I was thought in college and have read about and all logic is a waste of time

Also, just cause something is Peer reviewed with an Academic stamp of approval unfortunately means nothing, you need to dive into exactly how things work because fuckers will manipulate data and pull tons of bullshit to get the result they want (like a study that goes “WOMEN WANNA HAVE SEX JUST AS BAD AS MEN STUPID SEXIST!!”)

Here’s an award winning peer reviewed academic study that was written as a prank to show how easy it is to just make shit up (The study concludes women should put men on leashes and train them like dogs so they will stop raping women and being homophobic, yes really this was an award winning peer reviewed academic study, and it was all 1000% made up, they didn’t even go to a dog park)

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