Soundcloud Pro, Is it worth it?

Well, if you dont have enough confidence in your art or its marketability to hesitate about investing 16$ in the business of making it a viable product.

That guy over there? Well, he might make music that you consider personally inferior to yours or the same quality or whatever.

But that guy spent 10´s of thousands of dollars getting enough professional assistance to make it as commercially worthy as he could make it. He even took a loan, hocked all his possessions multiple times, got dumped by multiple girlfriends that threw his stuff out the window while screaming also at him like he hurt her personally by not becoming famous and rich as fast as she hoped and was willing to invest the time in for.

And he lived in his car for a few years.

And then, after all that, he died in a cheapo hotel during getting a blow job by a crack hooker and sticking a needle in his vein, cause the brown sugar makes everything allright and if its all fucked, then its all fucked and you might as well just stick and dip and do whatever pleasure you can till you drop.

Now, this bit lengthy and ridiculously over the top in most cases story is a clear example of two things.

While you shouldnt always listen to people who advise you to stay away from the music biz. Its still a fairly sensible advice and before you get pissed and all sensitive...

Think about how much pussy music gods get and how much that alone would inspire some people to give it their all , each and every drop.

And consider how much money it can get you and realize that some people would kill for the money alone. Perhaps even only to have a slight chance at it.

And realize how much power and apparent freedom it can give , so much that musicians have been murdered and interestingly only those that aired "debatable" opinions. So basically they were murdered because of the fear the power of their music and words were influencing such a huge crowd of people, it was frightening to people who were all about power and therefore didnt understand or have the power of love.

So, considering it gives people ideas about calling you a god without being the least bit sarcastic about it. Despite you looking like something who´s parent got shagged by a monkey. (and everyone thought you were sexy when you were young, even though if you werent famous and rich , parents would shoot you on sight and daughters would never dare or even think about dating you in seriousness and for anything other than stupid drunken rebellion to their overstrict parents..

So, yeah, if you think your chances of making at least back your 16$ bucks. Or if the advantages of pro are worth your interest in seeing a bit more about who listens and where.

Which i really dont see the point of, unless i was planning a tour or geographically specific location marketing campaign..

Or to try and stoke your ego by trying something that is really more akin to buying a lotto ticket than a serious career,

Because you know,the people who succeed at the highest level and everyone compares to?

Yeah, they are obsessed workaholics that are continuously working at their craft.

Curiously they are often very wild in media, but seem to handle heavy drugs and fame and hard work very well.

And seem to quit right after the constant media attention to it gets old and its getting more advantageous to proclaim you quit and give hope and a hero to to a older generation who´s probably trying to quit or just did quit or am just really glad that your main hero and god no longer does something that you would never do.

"yeah, Jolly rogers is a tough force of nature and nothing can kill that guy, but yeah, he showed me i was really right about never trying that stuff, i can happily buy his records now and play them where my children listen without worry."

So yeah, it depends on your hopes and your dreams and your realistic expections of where you are at and how much more you need to give to get your dreams and whether you really want it enough to give your life to it. :D

If its just a hobby, then,well, maybe, depending.

Is it a career you want ? Well, yeah, then probably. Enough pro do for , hey why not, its 16$ that wont even get me a good blow job. And with the current prices and how they rise, soon might not get me a coffee cup.

So how much is 16$ to you and what do you really feel about your music? You into making it so much that the hard work of getting good enough will be enough of pleasure to allow you to endure all the chore´s and things you have to do but wont want to? :D

/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers Thread