Spillin some tea

I was called a murderer on FB because I refused to wear a mask near my husband because I had symptoms that mimic the virus. I had a nurse freak out in front of me at Urgent Care last November because I almost got sick to my stomach in front of her. She came close to accusing me of trying to give her the virus. Guess what? I did not have the virus. I had a dangerous reaction to an anti-fungal medication I was put on before the day before for a mold allergy aka terrible lower abdominal pain and signs of a potential heart attack. Imagine what would have happened if I was given a treatment for supposedly having the virus and was having a heart attack instead. My husband would have been talking to a lawyer due to stupidity of the medical team who could not gasp the fact people can be sick aka allergies, sinus infections, digestive issues, and bad reactions to a medication. And I bet if my husband's medical team or my own medical team that in anyway shape or form, I was a threat to my husband, they would have me be tested right away (and yes, I was tested four times last year with negative results.)

/r/DCCMakingtheTeam Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it