Lacey’s stories about school shooting

Honestly I don’t have a problem with it. She said nothing disrespectful. Also, we don’t really know what’s going on behind the scenes. She could be actively trying to do her part in other ways (like by writing/calling senators for example).

As someone who is religious, prayer is meant to serve as a comfort. We understand that it will not bring any of the victims back, but we do not underestimate its power. However, it’s also important to note that prayer, on its own, will not fix this. I have been praying for the victims’ families but I also plan on doing my part by voting for laws that will restrict gun access and implement background checks. It’s possible to pray for victims and lobby for change. You can do both. They aren’t mutually exclusive.

It’s ignorant to believe that we can see change in this country by doing nothing, but it’s just as ignorant to believe that everyone who is praying to see change isn’t also doing their part to implement it.

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