Spiritual notions in psychology

Just want to clear this up, I love yoga I practise most days, but what you’re saying is like saying Geography should acknowledge these things too. In schools they usually have a class once a week on religion, philosophy etc (you probs know what I mean) and this would come under that. I completely understand that these things like mindfulness and yoga might come to mind with the word psychology but that is very wrong. Forget the word Psychology when thinking about this, it’s actually nothing to do with it. Psychology involves scientific research (it’s the main bulk of it) which involves specific scientific methods tested and carried out x 1000000 and then a huge amount of evidence has to back that up for it to even enter the field of psychology. You’d be wasting your time trying to argue that spirituality should be acknowledged in the field of psychology when it’s literally science, maths and a shit load of stats.

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