[spoiler] Nails, unfortunately, doesn’t seem to be very bright or very practical

Well, I'm, responsible for my own actions, obviously the ones I can control, and believe that whining and wanting someone else to be responsible is weak.

Now, if they loved each other, were a family, etc...and she got pregnant by mistake bc she didn't take proper care...oh well, not that big of a deal....but in their situation, assuming there was no contraceptive bc it was not addressed on the show, I believe she is more at fault.

I am also blaming her for the awful way she told him. She kept crying, distraught, angry, accusatory, leaving, negating all his efforts, unable to realize he was not to blame she had a hemorrhagic event...she did it to make him hurt, not even for a second thinking that he would actually hurt a lot bc it was his second lost child....he is not a very remarkable character, but he was not at fault here, she was...sorry, I don't call the black, white...

/r/MayansMC Thread Parent