Stack rank how you think these 2023 MCU & DCEU movies will turn out:

I'm guessing you mean box office, if so:



The Marvels
The Flash

Blue Beetle

I think GotG has the benefit of already having 2 solid entries, Aquaman being a billion dollar franchise, and Spiderverse also being so well received last time. $700m+ for each. Don't know if any get to a billion though. Antman will be a safe film, probably get ~$600m again.

The Marvels will as always be divisive. Capt. Marvel was poorly received for various reason (some legit, some not so much) and the same goes for Ms. Marvel, so for that reason I doubt it does all that great. The Flash maybe will skate by just with all the cameos and potential interest in how it resets the DCU. $400m-500m would be my guess

Diehard fans might not be enough to save Blue Beetle, and outside of this sub and the DC sub I haven't heard one person even mention the movie or character. I don't know if it has any mass appeal. Kraven will flop hard because well...Sony. ATJ doesn't have a legion of fans like Leto did, so I doubt Kraven even outperforms Morbius. Shazam only did $366 last time around, and the most recent trailer just looks meh at best. $200-350m for these (although I wouldn't be surprised if a Spiderman-less Kraven, who also doesn't hunt animals bombs $150m or less bomb)

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