Stand contest #100: No theme!

Stand Name [ Creep] in reference of Radiohead's song of the same name.

Stand Stats

Power:C Range:A Speed:B Durability:B Precision:B Potential:B

Appearance:Scarecrow with multiple stitches and the Letter "C" in bold letters on certain parts of it's body,it also adorns a tattered black Poncho.

Stand Power:Shadow warping and Pocket Dimension. This Stand has the ability to move with in shadows of any size,and can appear from shadows as small as those projected by objects like pens or Sticks. The Stand Can drag people into the Shadows were they are inside of the stands pocket dimension,it can even drag people into their shadows,within the pocket dimension,the power of the Stand is greatly increased.

This is my first time on Reddit,I hope I did this right

/r/fanStands Thread