[Standard Pauper] UW deck in need of wincons

The best solution to your problem is playing more card draw. First off I don't understand 24 lands in a deck that's trying to cast 5 and 7 drops. Epiphany won't ever net you cards and treasure cruise isn't being utilized in this deck to justify playing more than 2.

This many enchantments + Cruise is a nonbo. Cruise wants spells that go to the graveyard so that your 1:1 spells contribute every turn you stay alive to getting the burst of cards back into your hand from taking a cruise and start overwhelming the opponent in card advantage while getting you closer to your win condition.

I personally play R with UW so that I get access to Tormenting Voice(helps cruise A TON/ discards dead cards), and you get Firey Impulse which is super efficient and instant and catches a lot of stuff in the format. I use Pacifism and Impulse as removal with some fun-of's like Sheer Drop, Boiling Earth, and Celestial Flare to solve certain board states, and finding them is pretty easy with Anticipate. R also gives decks like this an awesome win condition in Volcanic Rambler. the only thing that stops rambler is 2 removal spells or a bonesplinter which is still a 2:1 just for sitting there and slowly burning the opponent out.

Anyway, if I were to keep this deck UW I would play more things like Arashin Cleric, Jeskai Sage to hold the fort and end up being your winners later while still having something large like Ruin Processor to be an actual finisher. But at the end of the day I don't think the format is quick enough to justify being strictly 2 colors especially for a controlling deck; the removal isn't good enough in one color.

Good luck and I hope this helps!

/r/Pauper Thread