"You start as the hero of the region. The chosen one of your generation, who can somehow challenge veteran gym leaders with little to no effort..."

This is why I want there to be a shift in how these games are made. Make gyms a challenge. Have a little more ad enture before you get there. Especially the first. I like the extra ideas and mini games that pokemon prism had. It really added more to mix up the formula on the adventure front. There could have been so much more in the forest, than just continuous weedle encounters. Have like an over leveled scyther to escape if you spend too long in there, or solve a problem that isn’t just a fetch quest, puzzles, challenges. And diversify the encounters, on top of the movesets to make every Pokémon viable in some way for something. Literally nothing is making spend a second longer fighting weedles rn. Because that’s all there is. It was cool in 1999, but time has passed.

/r/PokemonROMhacks Thread Link - i.redd.it