Bail-In regime for Canadian Banks - Shows How Bail-In Works - Many Outstanding Questions Before We Get Clarity on this Complex Topic.

The Bail-In Regime is designed to help minimize the risk of bank failure. That’s good. The way it’s designed (Basel III) seems to be good as well.

I’m not that worried about broad Canadian bank failure personally. In the G20 there is probably $50T or more of Bail-in Potential. That’s a lot, lot, lot.

I put my $$$ into Vanguard funds, directed registered some GME with CS, left some in two brokerages and spread cash across three banks (TD, Scotia, BMO). I want to set up one more set of accounts (1 joint, 1 solo) and will do it in my local credit union.

But my circumstances are mine and I have done my own DD. I’m not a financial advisor and really can’t give you any specific financial advice. I can just share with you what I have done.

I always remember that Fidelity did a study. Their best performing accounts belonged to those who had died or those who had forgotten they had them. Why? Because they did not react to short term news and just held, held, held.

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