Need some advice on an entity that's made itself known (NSFW)

First of all, great job figuring out something was going on quickly and taking swift action.

The tarot deck is susceptible to influence unless it's carefully kept away/ protected. So the first reading sounds good and the second sounds suspect.

A shower should have helped and given you respite, so that is surprising. You probably need to do several things in addition to petition, including ward your space. Think about setting up a protective energy grid for your home as well. Consider being vigilant for a little while.

Also, there is an argument I've read that the only way for this level of interference is if you "gave permission". Like you, I most unequivocally did not give permission. What I figured out through reading quite a bit on this topic was that asking for spiritual growth / spiritual experience is considered "giving permission". So one very strong recommendation is that during the cleansing when you feel like you can, talk to your higher self/ guides about the boundaries you'd like. It should provide some additional support with your guides also helping keep the problematic entity away. Otherwise they may allow it for "growth".

I suppose this isn't the "right" sub to say this... but for me so far, nothing has performed better or more consistently than the LBRP for personal space cleansing.

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