Starting to feel the aging

So what's the plan, Leeto? That situation sounds frustrating... even maddening! I used to abuse analgesics quite badly in my 30's, mostly because of improper training and abusing my body with contact sports like rugby and kick boxing. Then a coach recommended upping my anti-oxidant/phyto-nutrition by 300% and within two weeks I knew he was onto something. For me the easiest way was to use intermittent fasting and always starting my eating window with a massive green smoothie. 20 years later and I can't remember the last time I've even had an aspirin! And they're frickin' delicious too, especially once I got good at making them. If you haven't tried making your own smoothies at home yet or need some recipes, IM me. Either way, good luck and I hope your pain subsideds soon, Friend. Cheers!

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