State Park jobs question

I agree with the other posters. An associates degree might not even be enough, since there are often plenty of applicants for these positions with a Bachelors degree. There's even a few with a Masters degree. I work seasonally was a backcountry ranger and I'm currently working on my Masters degree in the off season.

Open LEO ranger positions also often get a lot of applicants with military experience, which gives them a significant edge in the application process.

Internships or volunteer work are a good place to start building experience, contacts, and references. I would recommend looking into positions with the Student Conservation Association, which sponsors environmental internships for college students and recent college grads across the country. Some of these positions involve work that is pretty similar to what rangers do. SCA internships pay very little, but often they provide housing, and there's an education award at the conclusion of the internship that you can use to pay for school/loans.

And yes, definitely apply for everything and anything. You never know- your foot in the door might be a position at the National Mall in DC, or at some president's childhood home.

/r/ParkRangers Thread