Stay at Home Wife

Just would like to give another perspective, food for thought. I have been a stay at home mom for almost 2 decades and have supported my husband through taking care of EVERYTHING else so that he only had to focus on work, and due to this he has gone from $10hour when we first got married to now six figures (longer story). He worked 80 hours a week during initial years to build his career and support us. On the flip side now that kids are grown I have no career or much to show for it as the gain was all his, however this may be one way to look at it from your end of things, take from it what you will. My point being maybe you could work things out with the finances so that it could work with only one income and view it as her full time job is kids and house so that you can focus mostly on work in your new career if that is what she wants too.

/r/HelpMeImPoor Thread