Netflix is raising prices for UK subscribers

you kinda do have to keep up if you hate spoilers.

So learn to love spoilers. They rarely, if ever, actually "spoil" a story. Stuff listed as "spoilers" nowadays is stuff that used to be on the back of the VHS box in days of yore.

People have lost sight of what actually comprises a "spoiler", anyway. I was watching a couple episodes of GoT with my brother-in-law and he was complaining, mid-episode, that "they're spoiling the story during the show". WTAF. But he's someone who won't watch trailers and tries to avoid movie posters, so he's an extreme example.

But seriously, learn to embrace the info, not to recoil from it. Someone starting GoT right now could be told "x" wins the game and the right reaction would be "huh, wonder how that happens, going to be interesting watching this unfold"

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