My boyfriend (22m) doesn't even want to try to kiss me (23f)

One year and no kiss!? Is he scared about everything in his life / is he religious? Even then, when you’re attracted to someone, kissing comes along with it! And realistically I think he should feel comfortable after a year to be vulnerable with you and trust you. This one is gonna sounds bad but do you think he’s into you or maybe just wants a relationship for the sake of it? Or maybe he had a bad ‘almost kiss’ experience in the past? I get the no pressure thing but a year is a long time to not want to kiss someone ... love is a two way street and you usually want to at least try!

When I was with my boyfriend towards the end of our relationship, I didn’t want to kiss him and that’s kinda how I knew the feelings were really gone. This is a totally different situation but it’s something to consider.

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