We still have time to flatten the curve in NC - but *only if* we take social distancing seriously.

North Carolina has a $3,000,000,000 (3 Billion Dollars) Unemployment Fund and Our Country’s Most Restrictive Unemployment Benefits.

Our Leadership – Past and Present – have set up for failure: (1) Too Few, (2) Too Short, and (3) Too Little

Based on 3rd Quarter 2018 Data (Source: North Carolina Justice Center):

Too Few: 90.09% of North Carolinians will be DENIED access to $3 Billion Dollars

Too Short: 8.92 weeks is the average duration. 26 weeks is the norm across the NATION.

Too Little: $261.10/week is the average amount. $350/week is the maximum amount.

The Bottom Line:

270,270 North Carolinians are DENIED access to $3,000,000,000 Unemployment Fund

29,730 North Carolinians receive $2329.00 (total amount!) out of $3,000,000,000 Unemployment Fund.

300,000 unemployment claims.

How are “The Winners” From A Broken System: 9.91% of North Carolinians will receive $2329.00.

I am outraged that ALL Elected Officials do not have a universal commitment to open the fund to North Carolinians who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. For example, my elected official has the audacity to say “we’ll think about this” and “after all this is over” and “possible assistance” and he is on the committee that makes a key decision.

I want public commitment by elected officials for “urgency” and “fighting for bigger checks” and “quick reform” Crime is going up in my neighborhood. Medication is unaffordable. Rent is eventually going to be due. Food needs to be on the table. Basic needs are not met. Please help us! Help get our legislators to act.

/r/WNC Thread Link - v.redd.it