What are some reasons not to go into dentistry?

[LOOOONG answer but stick with it I'll try to make it worthwhile] "I hate hurting people" awww :( honestly though, I'm one of the worst patients out there (the type of 19-year old that if he feels any pain beyond the anesthesia will shut his mouth and refuse to continue treatment) but that's kind of an understatement. I also have panic attacks to the point of not being able to breathe properly and body shaking uncontrolably all over the chair (including chest, stomach, everything, but mostly legs).

For example, I have dentist Thursday, I can't stop thinking about it, I hate thinking about it, I freak out thinking about it too much, but I'd HATE if my dentist called and said "Sorry, no appt Thursday". I'd freak out. And this is because I'm not in any serious pain, I'm just going there to finish a RCT and I've already gone through the pulp removal. But I'm sick of looking in the mirror and thinking "Is this filling dissapearing? I think it's dissapearing. Should I have it checked out? Is this other tooth getting infected? Is this one going to be infected again?". But if I was in actual pain, I'd probably run out just to find another dentist.

And then again, my dentist sometimes shoots me with 10 needles EVERYWHERE (gum, gum again, gum somewhere else, cheek, etc), but whenever I feel something (regardless of whether it's hurting or not) my brain multiplies that feeling by 1000000 and I break down and lose all control. I was my dentist's first patient to be prescribed Valium 10 (btw, if you have any experience, does Valium only help with anxiety or does it help dealing with pain/sensations a bit?)

Also, isn't your mission NOT to hurt people? I mean, you hurt them with your needles, but then, isn't that it? Your mission is to relieve people of pain, not to put them in pain, I thought that was what you settled out to do.

As far as "There are better jobs out there." it kinda depends. I think I'd run away from my country and never looking back if I was working in the medical field or even had to go through college. My work is sitting behind a computer everyday with an iPad by my side and an Android phone in the other and 10-20 programs open at the same time. Sometimes I will have my drawing pad and drawing table with me but that's rare since I keep design and coding separated.

Then I just push buttons on my keyboard and see what my computer decides to spit out. Sure, I think it's a great job. It sure does make me happy, I make good money with it (all saved up to when/if I go back to college since I dropped out) - VERY good money if I take up freelance work too - and I can work everywhere whenever I want. BUT on the other hand, I also have to learn how to deal with Segmentation Faults, or 2+2 being 0, or 1/10 being 0.100000045645675526415674 or what functions to use, or any other thing the computer spits out that isn't exactly what I want. And sometimes we are talking about 800+ lines of code and my compiler decides not to tell me which line to check. It's not all fun and roses. Besides, right now it's 4am and I'm on my break, but I'll probably only go to bed at 7-8am because I'm finishing up a logo. And it's looking like shit. This whole week I've gone to bed at 6-9am to wake up at noon. I also didn't have any sleep at all this last Tuesday, or the Tuesday before that. And I don't recall sleeping more than 7 hours.

There's a quote by Brian Tracy's "Goals" that goes "Before you start climbing the ladder to success, make sure it isn't leaning on the wrong building". But honestly don't think there's a job that is easy, fun, and "good". It really goes down to whether or not you like it. There are many people that would hate my lifestyle, refusing dates and refusing to go out on most Fridays because I have to stay at home in front of a computer screen.

And sometimes my eyes hurt, and my back hurts, and my skin suffers, and people get mad at me. But here's the catch: I LOVE IT. I love programming and drawing more than I love a beer. Sometimes I think I love programming more than I love SEX! I love screaming into pillows, punching my keyboard, ripping off my hair, looking through lines and lines and lines of code to find that missing ";", being yelled at by my compiler, have my drawings look like shit. I LOVE EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT IT.

That's what it all boils down to. Stop thinking about finding a "good" job where everything is good and awesome. It doesn't exist. There will always, ALWAYS, be things you just hate. The question is if they are worth fighting for.

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