Storytime: FI & Friends

We are mainly the same except for low cost meals where we hang out with the other people more than twice per month. When you're ordering from a taco/burger/ice cream place, sometimes it's just easier to cover the whole thing than try to figure it out. They pickup the next thing next time.

And this probably holds more for families and couples or people on their own. At a certain point, figuring out whose kid had the chicken fingers or quesadilla or extra sprinkles becomes too much of a pain and you just pay the whole $20-$60 for the meal.

But for big meals, not our thing, unless it's a set menu place. I'll still never forget the steak house bday dinner we were invited to. I was pregnant, so I didn't drink. We were supposed to be doing separate checks, fine with us. My SO had one beer at the bad that he paid for there. People were ordering surf and turf, bottles of wine, cigars, the works. I indulged and had a slice of chocolate cake for dessert.

We were ready to go, so we asked for our check. It was $150 for the two of us. All of the sudden the birthday couple decide that splitting the check would be better. They come to us as we are packing up and let us know it's $200/pp...we politely informed then we already settled our bill and walked out.

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