Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 2 Series Discussion

Not gonna lie it felt slightly underwhelming to me, Why the hell is it's Wills main purpose to force a straight relationship, yeah I understand that byler was pushing it but not to have Will come out (even when Jonathan was talking to him) to mike when they are in the car is so disappointing, Mike can clearly tell that something is up whith Will hes literally sobbing but choices to ignore, even Jonathan notices and hes driving, then it just cuts to another scene and we never get to see whether anything is said between them. Last point about Will but to give him less than 10 minutes screen time in 4 hours is absolutely shocking, given than he's had nothing for 2 season I'm not surprised.

Also they built it up like there were going to be like 5 deaths and its going to be absolutely carnage ( yeah I know that Eddie died which is sad (why the hell was Dustin the only one that seemed to care) but to have 2 deaths (1 person we didn't even care aboat) makes me think that we've kinda been lied to I guess. I think the script is what let this episode down (not the story line) but the lines the characters were saying especially Mike's 'monologue'. The script didn't seem to flow as well as it has in the past.

Now things tings that I did like; the cinematography was amazing it all looked perfect I have no faults with that, and the whole russia story is a massive upgrade on the russia story in season 3 imo, I can't fault the acting from the whole cast, Noahs and Millies acting stood out to me, Millie puts in another mind blowing, If she doesn't with an award for this season, it's rigged. For Noah his way of showing emotion is incredible, they way he shows it through his speech and his eyes its just unbelievable ( hes got loads of potential) I'm not one to cry in films and shows but the 2 Scenes with Will talking to Mike in the car and Jonathan in the pizza shop had me crying my eyes out.

Mu favourite character this season continues to be Will with Hopper and Steve just behind him. For people that shot up my list has to be Erica, NGL hated her in the season 3 but she surprised me this season, she was definitely less annoying.

In conclusion, the story line, acting and cinematography was let down with a below average script, slow passing and queerbating. I'd rate Vol 2 7/10

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