Stray Kids Album Club #12: ODDINARY

'Also, is “just stuff it all” a phrase that’s used in Australia? It’s not a phrase that I’ve heard before.'

It's not hugely common, primarily because we swear a lot, but people here will say 'stuff it' instead of 'fuck it's. My brain auto corrects Lonely St to fuck every time I listen to it.

On the album, I enjoy it a lot. Even the ballads have grown on me and that's unusual. I'm pretty bad at describing music and the reasons I like or don't like it, but things that caught my attention were:

  • The musical accents on a lot of the songs (birds, laughing, etc.). I love that sort of thing.
  • They way they sing Charmer; it sounds like it's being sung with an Aussie accent to me.
  • Muddy Water, which reminded so much of a local band I used to love called True Live who were hip hop with classical instruments.
/r/straykids Thread