Subreddit'teki "ironik" troller hakkında

No, if your comment is something like

"ARKADAŞLAR AKPLİ DEĞİLİM AMA BU BARİZ KÖTÜ OLAY, ARTTIRILAN BASKILAR VE BENZERİ DURUMLAR İLE İLGİLİ BU İRONİ OLDUĞU BELİRTİLMEYEN, İRONİ OLSA BİLE APTALCA OLAN YORUMUM İLE TARTIŞMAYA HİÇBİR ŞEY KATMAYACAM!" and similar comments are dumb. I like my beliefs being challenged. You can see my comments on some posts that are positive of Turkey's current situation asking "Well, interesting, so they did something right? That is good" and accepting that a political party like AKP that I barely agree with on any issue, can rarely do something "decent".

But acting dumb like the following:

"almancı olması hiç şaşırtmadı, almanlarda pedofili oldukça yaygın. hatta bunları hastanelerde tedavi etmeye çalıştıklarını biliyorum. "

On a post about a couple who sexually assaulted their own child is simply dumb. It is accusing a group of people with NOTHING to back it, which I asked you specifically if you see the comment right below it, and is simply irrelevant and just, dumb.

/r/Turkey Thread Parent