Summer N is a beast! - Koga CS MM 2K off-type pre-sync clear

You say you don’t care yet this whole thjng started with you taking your frustration out on me. You talk about all the nice things you’ve said to me and this post yet all you’ve done is criticize and come at me. You’ve made up lies about things I’ve said to you to try and turn the conversation in your favor. You continually tell me I have problems etc.

In terms of why you’ve chose to act the way you have I’m not sure? Since you seem bothered by downvotes across the subthread and started off by taking that out on me I assumed that was the reason behind the aggression.

I am glad you are choosing to ignore the negativity. While I wish you started that a while ago it’s clearly just made your experience here bad. Glad we ended on a high note. All the best!

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